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TMPRSS3 Gene - Hearing Loss Research

A database of every Transmembrane Serine Protease 3 / TMPRSS3 hearing loss research study from 1996 to 2025 and analysis about what research has already been done, where the research is headed, and gaps of study within the field.

TMPRSS3 Gene - Hearing Loss Research Database

Below is a database of research studies related to or on Transmembrane Serine Protease 3 (TMPRSS3) hereditary hearing loss from 1996 to 2025 (updated February 2025). The database includes titles of the research, abstracts, authors, links to the articles, dates published, categorizations used for the research below and more. This database is updated when new TMPRSS3 studies are published. This happens a few times per year. However, if you want to search on your own for TMPRSS3 and congenital hearing loss research, try this PubMed link. You can also see the NIH TMPRSS3 Summary

With 110+ studies in the database above, we wanted to understand what was already out there on TMPRSS3. Through the following analysis, we created multiple comparisons and graphs to observe changes over time and within different categories. These graphs show different things like where the research is headed, what has already been done, and hopefully gaps or new areas of study within this field of research.


This OMIM sort of the existing research can also help guide you in specific areas like Cloning and Expression, Gene Structure, Mapping, Molecular Genetics, Animal Model, and seven specific Allelic Variants. 

Research Over The Years

Research has increased over the years. We analyzed how many research studies per year there has been on TMPRSS3 related hearing loss and those broader studies including a mention of TMPRSS3. (As of 7-15-22)

Graph on TMPRSS3 Hearing Loss Studies Per Year Since 1995

Research Done By A Single Author

With this analysis we wanted to observe if researchers are spending a lot of their career working on TMPRSS3 related research. We found that most researchers have worked on only one study that includes TMPRSS3. 400 single study authors were omitted for graph ease of use. (As of 7-15-22)

Graph on Number of Researchers vs. Number of Studies

Research Trends (Every 5 years)

We categorized each study with the following labels: General Hearing Loss Gene Variant, TMPRSS3 Hearing Loss Variant, and Cochlear Implant Clinical Outcome Studies. We identified where they overlap and compared the categories to each other across the year spans. (As of 7-15-22)

Graph of Number of Classified Studies form 1995-2019

Research Trends (Every 12 years)

We used the same categories as the previous graph but minimized years for larger scale comparisons. (As of 7-15-22)

Graph of Number of Classified Studies from 1995-2020

Research Fields Including TMPRSS3

Looking at the research classifications in the database, we wanted to see how many studies fit each classification - General Hearing Loss Gene Variant, TMPRSS3 Hearing Loss Variant, and Cochlear Implant Clinical Outcome. One study can have multiple classifications. (As of 7-15-22)

Graph of Number of Classifications vs. Type of Classification

Global TMPRSS3 Reach

This graph highlights the global reach of TMPRSS3 hearing loss. Studies were identified that analyzed country-specific populations. Certain populations may be within a genetic testing database that was studied in a different country. (As of 7-15-22)

Graph of Number of Studies vs. Countries in Which Participants were Located

Research Study Publications

This chart identifies the publications in which the TMPRSS3 gene research studies in the database have been published. The publication with the most TMPRSS3 research is PLoS One with six studies. With this information we hope to give researchers and people interested an idea of where other research studies may be published. (As of 7-15-22)

Graph of Where Research Studies on TMPRSS3 are published

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